New Delhi

One of the world’s most polluted metropolitan areas is taking urgent action to improve air quality and plans to phase out petrol-powered taxis over the next five years.

Authorities in India’s capital, New Delhi, have banned any private construction in the city and its suburbs in order to combat smog, which has seriously exacerbated air pollution. It is reported by Reuters.

Parts of the metropolitan area had an air quality index of 350 to 400, indicating “very heavy” pollution, according to New Delhi’s Central Environmental Monitoring Board.

Residents of the Indian capital and its environs are seriously affected by dirty air during the cold season, as low temperatures contribute to the stagnation of air masses filled with dust, exhaust gases and smoke from burning straw in agricultural fields.

To somehow cope with the smog, the New Delhi authorities began to spray water on the streets. In addition, in early December, the government announced a ban on diesel rickshaws, a popular form of transport based on three-wheeled motorcycles. By 2027, the city will only allow taxis that run on natural gas or electricity.

Earlier it was reported about the decision of the administration of New Delhi to suspend the work of most construction sites in the city to combat air pollution. An exception was made only for the construction of hospitals and other socially significant facilities.

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By p2p