
They are simple, integrated and friendly: for all this, they are positioned with a great communication channel in the current digital ecosystem.

They are active and available 24/7, respond effectively and save time and money.

They are simple, integrated and friendly: for all this, they are positioned with a great communication channel in the current digital ecosystem.

At the same time that bots are beginning to be perceived as a very attractive, close and effective communication channel, the demand from companies for this technology is growing more and more. And I would risk saying that, without a doubt, the increase in requests to incorporate one or more into the digital ecosystem will continue that ascending line.

One of the biggest reasons has to do with the fact that bots are revolutionizing the employee experience, especially in hybrid environments, and it is defined by a series of key interactions that the person has with the company.

Organizations also require them because it allows them to save time, solve cumbersome and repetitive tasks that result in economic advantages for the business.

The bot manages to automate those processes that do not provide as much value so that people can focus on more strategic issues. For example, they are very useful for answering frequently asked questions but also if you have to approve a vacation request, take a maternity leave, request a salary receipt or pay a per diem.

Also to coordinate a meeting, reserve a space for common use or a station to work when a hybrid scheme is supported. They even take care of keeping the team up to date on the group’s birthdays -notifying colleagues and paying homage to whomever corresponds with a greeting- and even managing an exclusive discount for lunch at the team’s favorite restaurant.

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The truth is that they are being used to carry out all kinds of tasks because almost any HR process can be automated and the different areas have them active to make management effective.

The bot is available 24/7 and this is one of its great advantages. If someone remembered to request a certificate on a Friday night, the bot will be there to respond quickly.

But there is another great benefit associated with the well-being of companies and that is that technology contributes to strengthening the culture of the company. Its conversational feature allows interaction and conversations to be held very closely, preserving natural language.

Tune in to language

But for a bot to be effective it should be able to meet at least these three requirements: it should be simple, so that the user can easily find the information; friendly, to dialogue in the way in which the organization wants to speak and must be integrated.

If they comply with these characteristics, the bots have a lot to contribute, in terms of improving the experience of the collaborator and of the company in general. The pre-consolidation analysis of the bot will determine its impact. At the beginning, a style manual is designed and the attributes of the cultural DNA are diagnosed to understand how it will speak, with what types of elements, with what language: if we use the inclusive or not, if memes are added or not, among other details. substantial.

That is why questions such as what is the company’s inclusive position or what is the profile of the users are decisive for the creation of the bot that will become almost like another collaborator. The other big step before incorporating a bot is to map the needs of each company to identify the processes that can be automated from now on.

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What is already coming

Two strong trends emerge when thinking about the future of bots. On the one hand, they are no longer visible as a joke: they are thought of strategically to integrate them into an HR or Internal Communication plan.

On the other, they are implemented to solve more complex processes that require competitive integrations. Integration is a key element to also understand the growth of bots in relation to past experiences.

During the pandemic, many companies invested in programs and apps that did not meet the desired objective and were being forgotten: the new software was very difficult to understand, nobody understood exactly where and how to request certain information, or access passwords were forgotten because they were too many.

Bots can help, especially in large companies, to order the digital ecosystem, to simplify the path of access because they take you by the hand and operate as a guide. And they are also allies when it comes to promoting a platform because the collaborator, who perhaps had trouble using it before, understands that the bot resolves operational or transactional issues in a timely manner for their daily logistics.

The bot became a natural ally. For this reason, the appropriation by users is usually fast and if there is reluctance, it usually has to do with a previously unrewarding experience. As is often the case with technology. If your first relationship with a bot didn’t turn out positively, you probably have some bias. But immediately its functionality prevails and wins.

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By p2p